Anti-Human Smuggling and Trafficking Initiative
CDNH’s Anti Human Smuggling and Trafficking Initiative aims to work with both communities to identify the drivers and push-factors of the current migration crisis in Rakhine state and facilitate the establishment of community networks and safety nets to assist vulnerable populations as well as counter the dangers posed by the problem. To this end, CDNH will facilitate public awareness and outreach campaigns to bring attention to the gravity and dangers of human smuggling and trafficking. The Initiative will also focus on raising the capacity of the civil society actors, government officials and law enforcement personnel to better tackle the impunities by organizing trainings and forums on relevant issues such as human and citizens’ right, citizenship verification, rule of law and international norms and best practices in tackling human smuggling and trafficking. CDNH will also carry out information advocacy and policy interventions for lawmakers, government officials and civil society actors as well as provide policy guidance on how the implementation of relevant policies and programs can be accomplished in a manner consistent with Myanmar’s international obligations and justified security concerns. Lastly, CDNH will help set up an emergency hotline where members of both communities can call in to address and report questions and concerns about human smuggling and trafficking.